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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Comprehension Skill : Finding Infromation

Halo apa kabar pengunjung Catatan Callysta?

Pada kesempatan yang lalu, saya telah berbagi informasi dan pengetahuan mengenai Comprehension Skill : Fact or Opinion. Nah, kali saya akan kembali berbagai informasi yang bermanfaat. Tulisan saya kali ini masih berkaitan dengan Comprehension Skill yaitu Comprehension Skill : Finding Infromation. Yuk kita lihat bersama-sama.

As we know that comprehension skill is mainly related to reading comprehension. It is about an ability to read, process and understand its meaning. One of comprehension skill to be learn is comprehension skill in finding information. 

It is refers to reading and searching text to find specific or general information. There are several tips in finding information, they are as follow :
  1. Read the text carefully and make sure you understand the questions.
  2. Find and underline keywords in questions.
  3. Think of possible answer (it means you will need to check the text).
  4. Find keywords in the text to support the answer. 
  5. Read the information around the keywords.
  6. Consider all the possible answer and make your own decision. 

Demikianlah penjelasan singkat mengenai Comprehension Skill : Finding Information. Semoga bermanfaat. Silahkan share ke teman-teman anda dan jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar demi kemajuan blog ini. 

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