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Friday, November 30, 2012

Speech Act : Command and Prohibition

Here are some examples of command and prohibition

1. Giving a Command 
a. Informal
  1. Put the book on my desk!
  2. Bring the book!
  3. Open the door!
  4. Come here!
The command expression examples above are informal form. These kind of expression are expressed by older people to younger people. 

b. Formal
  1. Bring the books!
  2. Come here, please!
  3. Could you please give me the book!
  4. Open the door!
The command expression examples above are in the formal form. These kind of expression usually are expressed by younger people to older people.

2. Expressing Prohibition
a. Informal
  1. Don't come late!
  2. Don't be lazy!
  3. Don't use the shoes!
The example of expression prohibition above are in the informal form. These kind of expression usually are expressed by older people to younger people.

b. Formal
  1. Please, don't come late!
  2. Could you please don't enter the room!
  3. Don't open the door, please!
The example of expression prohibition above are in the formal form. These kind of expression usually are expressed by younger people to older people.

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